Why Filipino NetSuite Consultants are In-Demand in the USA Today

May 22, 2023
Three individuals with headsets working in a call center.

Why are Filipino NetSuite consultants in demand in the USA today?

  1. NetSuite is complex and qualified NetSuite consultants are scarce, leading to high demand for the role
  2. They have an excellent command of the English language, making them effective communicators with US clients
  3. They have years of experience working with Western countries, so they deeply understand various businesses’ needs and challenges in NetSuite
  4. They are highly skilled in various technical areas, making them sought after by businesses that use NetSuite
  5. Outsourced Filipino NetSuite consultants offer a flexible and cost-effective solution for savvy businesses

As the use of NetSuite becomes increasingly popular among businesses in the United States, the need for skilled NetSuite consultants has been on the rise.And, it’s no secret that Filipino NetSuite consultants are top performers in this field, who possess exceptional communication skills, years of experience working with clients in the USA, and a solid understanding of US clients’ various NetSuite concerns.This blog post highlights why Filipino NetSuite consultants are in high demand in the USA today. Read on to learn more.

NetSuite is Complex and Qualified NetSuite Consultants are Scarce, Leading to High Demand for the Role

NetSuite is Complex and Qualified NetSuite Consultants are Scarce, Leading to High Demand for the Role

As said in many of our blog articles, NetSuite is a powerful and complex software that can handle a wide range of business processes. However, this complexity also means that it can be challenging to configure and maintain properly.To get the most out of NetSuite, businesses need the support of skilled, experienced, and certified NetSuite consultants. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of these professionals in the USA. This has led to more job openings for NetSuite consultants than qualified professionals to fill them.That’s why they constantly hire Filipino NetSuite consultants to fill in this role. Their unique set of skills and expertise have helped plenty of businesses in the USA in overcoming their concerns with the software, making Filipino NetSuite consultants valuable assets for their business success.

They Have an Excellent Command of the English Language, Making Them Effective Communicators with US Clients

One of the key reasons why Filipino NetSuite consultants are trusted by many businesses in the USA is their excellent command of the English language. With this being either the first or second language of many Filipinos, many don’t have a problem expressing themselves in the English language.Filipino consultants are also known for their ability to communicate clearly and concisely, which helps them build strong relationships with clients and understand their needs better. They can also explain complex technical concepts in a way that clients can easily understand, which is essential in helping businesses decide logically about their NetSuite implementation.

Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.

They Have Years of Experience Working with Western Countries, So They Deeply Understand Various Businesses’ Needs and Challenges in NetSuite

They Have Years of Experience Working with Western Countries, So They Deeply Understand Various Businesses’ Needs and Challenges in NetSuite

Thanks to their excellent proficiency in English, Filipino NetSuite consultants have gained years of experience working with businesses from other countries. This has given them a strong understanding of the unique challenges and needs of various businesses regarding NetSuite.They have a deep knowledge of the NetSuite platform and its various functions, allowing them to provide valuable insights and recommendations to their clients on how to maximize its use, such as:

  • Determining and translating a client’s NetSuite requirements into actionable solutions
  • Developing practical process designs and modules, Suiteflow, and other necessary NetSuite solutions
  • Optimizing solutions to enhance the client’s business operations and empower their team

With this in mind, they are well-equipped in providing tailored solutions that effectively address their client’s specific NetSuite requirements.

They are Highly Skilled in Various Technical Areas, Making Them Sought After by Businesses that Use NetSuite

There’s no doubt that Filipino NetSuite consultants are highly skilled in various technical areas that are crucial in working with NetSuite, such as:

  • SuiteScript
  • SuiteFlow
  • SuiteTalk
  • SuiteBuilder
  • SuiteAnalytics

This allows them to effectively provide support and guidance to their clients in implementing and optimizing NetSuite to its fullest potential.As a result, businesses that use NetSuite are seeking out the services of Filipino NetSuite consultants, knowing that they possess the technical skills needed to handle the complexities of the software.

Outsourced Filipino NetSuite Consultants Offer a Flexible and Cost-Effective Solution for Savvy Businesses

Outsourced Filipino NetSuite Consultants Offer a Flexible and Cost-Effective Solution for Savvy Businesses

Finally, plenty of businesses in the USA are outsourcing Filipino NetSuite consultants because it saves them time and money. The reason behind this is they don’t need to pay for expensive recruitment or spend money to train them from scratch since Filipino NetSuite consultants are talented, skilled, and licensed experts in terms of configuring or navigating NetSuite.That’s why they take advantage of this since outsourcing Filipino NetSuite consultants is a more practical choice for their business, as it helps achieve their business goals while staying competitive in the market.

Key Takeaway

Filipino NetSuite consultants bring a unique combination of soft and technical expertise, as well as interpersonal skills that make them effective communicators and problem solvers in resolving any issue related to NetSuite. That’s why Filipino NetSuite consultants are currently in demand in the USA.Atticus Solutions provides a talented pool of outsourced Filipino NetSuite consultants. They are the go-to NetSuite professionals often seek by companies from various industries that are using NetSuite software.For more information about our NetSuite services, contact Atticus Solutions here.

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

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