What Does A Project-Based NetSuite Consultant Do?

July 31, 2022
An Asian man and woman working together in a call center, providing professional services.

NetSuite is a powerful software that can help organizations manage their business operations. However, to make the most out of this solution, companies need an expert that knows everything about NetSuite and has experience in it. For this reason, one of the NetSuite talents that are important for every implementation is a NetSuite consultant. What does a NetSuite consultant do though?

What Is A NetSuite Consultant

A NetSuite consultant’s tasks are many and are varied depending on each project they take on. However, their main task is to develop and implement customizations that will meet business requirements. They have a thorough understanding of NetSuite functionality and OneWorld implementations. The right consultant will help manage the NetSuite, take care of the technical details, and handle potential disruptions. A NetSuite consultant needs to work with clients through the development life cycle of NetSuite. This means that they should not just be an expert technical-wise, but also have the soft skills to work with others well. This includes having strong communication and listening skills. Time management is also key to ensuring the completion of tasks on time. Take note that tasks vary from project to project, but below is the general idea or summary of what NetSuite consultants do.Tasks Of A NetSuite Consultant:

  • Develop and execute customizations for NetSuite
  • Study a business’s existing software and solutions
  • Define and interpret business requirements and implement strategy
  • Offer advice regarding the implementation of customizations
  • Ensure timely delivery of outputs
  • Risk management
  • Work with technical teams in delivering custom solutions
  • Communicate with clients and internal teams
  • Provide training and support to ensure that all users are using NetSuite properly
  • Lead and participate in client workshops
  • Find gaps to improve on to make operations more efficient
  • Review how NetSuite is being used from time to time
  • Test for errors and perform maintenance
  • Lead NetSuite projects from start to finish

Why Is A NetSuite Consultant Important

NetSuite is designed to make business management much more effective and efficient. It provides automation so organizations can reduce manual tasks and also eliminate errors. It’s a powerful software, but depending on the needs and requirements of an organization, there are also customizations, add-ons, modules, and industry solutions that can be used.A NetSuite consultant can provide guidance, so organizations can understand what they need. With an expert, businesses can use NetSuite to its fullest potential. The advice from a NetSuite consultant can save time and money for organizations. Their expertise in different industries can provide valuable information when facing challenges.A NetSuite consultant’s role will differentiate from every business because every organization has unique challenges and goals. For example, if a business is interested in using NetSuite to streamline business operations, a consultant can help by studying business requirements and ensuring successful implementation. On the other hand, if a company has already used NetSuite, a consultant can help find improvements.One of the greatest benefits a NetSuite consultant can offer is training and support to internal teams. They can provide assistance so your internal team members can properly use NetSuite in their day-to-day functions.

How To Choose The Right NetSuite Consultant

The ideal NetSuite consultant will possess the skills to complete even the most complex assignments. They should have a deep understanding of NetSuite, OneWorld implementations, how to deliver customizations, and other technical skills. We recommend also looking for soft skills, such as strong written and oral communication skills. The ability to work well with others is just as important.A NetSuite consultant’s background in IT or accounting fields is also helpful. Passing a NetSuite certification is also important. A NetSuite certification gives NetSuite users and partners more confidence when hiring because it ensures that the consultant has a thorough understanding of NetSuite, and has the training and experience to back it up. However, limiting your search for consultants to certified ones only will shrink the talent pool available to you. We recommend taking a look at experienced NetSuite professionals too to widen the search.Finding the right NetSuite consultant can be difficult, as well as retaining them. For instance, NetSuite partners might find their consultants leaving to become independent consultants, as it offers more flexibility and opportunity to work with a variety of projects. Designing an employee experience to encourage them to stay can be challenging in terms of costs and time.The good news is that you can quickly find skilled NetSuite consultants from a company like Atticus, which has the expertise in providing great employee experience so consultants won’t leave. We can provide you with the right qualified talent in a short period of time, so you can experience ease in your operations.

Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.

Why Hire A Project-based NetSuite Consultant

Now that you understand how a NetSuite consultant can help with the software and how to find the right candidate, you might be wondering whether it is more beneficial to hire a full-time or project-based talent. Here are some reasons why the latter can be more beneficial:


One of the benefits of hiring a project-based NetSuite consultant is that it is a more flexible option than hiring full-time employees. For instance, NetSuite users can get insightful knowledge from an expert, which can be crucial to the success of a NetSuite implementation. It is possible to hire a consultant without having to pay a full-time rate, since they’re hired on a project basis. This addresses the need for support whenever required.For NetSuite partners, hiring a project-based consultant can be helpful especially during peak season when there is a surge of projects and requests. Partners can hire a NetSuite certified professional that can be reliable when taking on more projects during this time.The best benefit of hiring a project-based consultant is that it’s possible to hire an expert depending on changing business needs.

Cost Reduction

One of the reasons many businesses hire a project-based NetSuite consultant is to reduce costs. This includes expenses for recruitment, hiring, training, and retention. Instead, you only pay for the work that needs to get done.Cost reduction is one of the most important things businesses consider today, especially when there is an ongoing recession in the US. Precautionary measures that can be done include hiring project-based talents until a business can get back on its feet.

Easier Business Operations And Processes

As an expert, a NetSuite consultant has the knowledge, skills, and experience to help with various NetSuite concerns. For both NetSuite users and partners, hiring a project-based consultant means that it is possible to get the help needed on their own terms. It’s like having on-call support for NetSuite needs.

How Atticus Can Help: Atticus DNA

If you’re interested in hiring a project-based NetSuite consultant, you can send us a message here at Atticus. Here are some of the reasons why clients choose us:


We have years of experience when it comes to managing NetSuite professionals. We can help our clients find the right team members that are trained and experienced in NetSuite. Aside from technical know-how, we also put importance on soft skills, which can be helpful in encouraging our team members to be more engaged in a client’s business.


We are trained and experienced to quickly adapt to changes, making us successful in whatever we do, even when in changing situations. We try to evolve our processes continuously, so we can provide our clients with what they need.


Our collaborative nature allows us to work together as a team — from the owners to the team leaders, and the staff. Together, we can take on challenges and reach our goals. This benefit is also extended to our clients, as we do our best to work with internal teams.


Our team members are focused on learning continuously. This way, we can find new ways to better serve our clients.Whether you’re a partner or a user, you can reap the benefits of engaging a project-based NetSuite consultant. We can help manage these talents and solve your business challenges in NetSuite. If you’re interested in hiring a project-based NetSuite consultant, you can send us a message here at Atticus.

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

Frequently Asked Questions


Compare NetSuite ERP talent salaries

Attracting top NetSuite talent with clear job descriptions is the first step. Understanding salaries is your next key move! Download this free salary guide to view talent costs, offshore hiring tips, and more

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