Will An Offshore Remote Salesforce Team Help the Salesforce Talent Shortage?

January 13, 2022
Three individuals sitting at a table with a laptop discussing the topic of 'Will An Offshore Remote Salesforce Team Help the Salesforce Talent Shortage?'.

How will an offshore remote Salesforce team help the Salesforce talent shortage?

  1. Provides access to certified Salesforce talent
  2. Enables hiring of Salesforce experts cost-efficiently
  3. Ensures on-time project implementations

Salesforce is the top cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform in the world today. The software allows businesses to keep track of relationships with existing and potential customers as well as automate sales and marketing workflows. Although the benefits of Salesforce are well-sought after by companies who want to scale effectively, it takes more time and effort to maintain the CRM software. This is especially true for businesses that are just starting/have modest IT capital but want to boost their customer service, marketing, and sales services on the cloud. This is where an offshore remote Salesforce team can help your organization.As industries emerge from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies need to look for ways to drive more meaningful customer interactions.Unfortunately, for many enterprises juggling core business functions, maximizing the opportunities offered by Salesforce is more challenging. Talent shortage is one of the many bottlenecks that can be addressed by offshoring a remote Salesforce team. Continue reading to learn more.

Provides Access To Certified Salesforce Talent

Provides Access To Certified Salesforce Talent

Properly managing Salesforce requires extensive knowledge and experience with the said software. This cloud platform has numerous features that need to be configured in a manner that boosts a company’s customer service, marketing, and sales efforts.Gaining access to an offshore remote Salesforce team will help your company address the talent and skill shortage. As the third-party team will be made up of different individuals with certified Salesforce skills, they will significantly accelerate your project timelines while maintaining work quality.For example, at Atticus we have partnered with Cloud Jedi Solutions to scale the Salesforce operations of our clients. With more than 12 years of Salesforce experience, we have offshore remote teams that offer time-tested CRM strategies equipped with the following certifications:

  • Salesforce Application Architect Certification
  • Salesforce Data Architect Certification
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant and Service Cloud
  • Consultant Certification
  • Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Architect Certification
  • Salesforce Platform Developer I, II Certification
  • Salesforce Pardot Specialist Certification
  • Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Certification
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist
  • Certification
  • Salesforce Administrator Certification
  • Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification
  • Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification

Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.

Enables Hiring Salesforce Experts Cost-Efficiently

Keep in mind that Salesforce experts are some of the most in-demand professionals on the job market today. It does not come as a surprise if you would need to shell out a significant amount of money and exert more time and effort to hire a highly-skilled Salesforce team. You would also need to compete with other companies that need to hire Salesforce professionals. To make sure your company attracts qualified candidates, you will have to offer better salary rates, benefits, and more.Combat the talent shortage while keeping costs down with an offshore remote Salesforce team. Offshore Salesforce companies have developed a wide talent pool specifically for their clients. They will also be responsible for managing and organizing salaries and benefits.Take Atticus for example. For many years, we have invested in the top IT graduates and budding IT leaders within various technology verticals in the Philippines to solve Salesforce talent shortage problems of our clients. As a third-party company, clients don’t have to worry about salary and benefit plans.

Ensures On-Time Project Implementations

Ensures On-Time Project Implementations

Time overruns are a major concern for businesses because they are costly for the bottom line. If you are experiencing a Salesforce talent shortage, productivity levels can be potentially hampered and there may be a failure in meeting CRM-based project deadlines. Here is where an experienced offshore remote Salesforce team can help your business.Offshoring involves delegating tasks abroad to help companies take advantage of cost benefits and more relaxed government regulations. With an offshore remote Salesforce, you can also take advantage of time zone differentials.For example, the Philippines is 16 hours ahead of Los Angeles, 7 hours ahead of Belgium, and 8 hours ahead of the UK. Offshoring a remote Salesforce team from the Philippines can help in completing CRM projects faster using a “chase the sun” method. And if you need to provide 24/7 customer services, offshoring in the Philippines from Atticus can ensure you don’t miss out on sales, leads, and clients ever again.Offshoring remote Salesforce teams is also a great strategy to combat talent shortages and avoid dwindling productivity due to national holidays, unexpected downtimes, and in-house employee leaves. Deliverables will continue as planned.

Key Takeaway

In this article, we discussed further how an offshore remote Salesforce team can help solve the Salesforce talent shortage. Looking for an offshore remote Salesforce team in the Philippines? Get in touch with Atticus by clicking here! We can address your talent gaps and help your company scale up with ease.

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

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Attracting top NetSuite talent with clear job descriptions is the first step. Understanding salaries is your next key move! Download this free salary guide to view talent costs, offshore hiring tips, and more

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