4 Factors To Consider When Offshoring AWS Managed Services

January 26, 2022
Business professionals shaking hands outside a building. Factors To Consider When Offshoring AWS Managed Services.

What are the factors to consider when offshoring AWS managed services?

  1. Available AWS services certifications
  2. Pricing
  3. Offshoring location
  4. Transparency and collaboration

Offshoring AWS Managed Services offers end-to-end AWS solutions to clients through any stage of the cloud journey — from consultation, building and migrating applications, managing existing AWS, to optimization and support. But as you may already know, there are numerous AWS managed services providers today. Choosing your AWS partner requires careful thought to avoid increased costs and reduced operational efficiency. In this article, we discuss the 4 factors to consider when offshoring AWS managed services.Offshoring AWS Managed Services involves tapping into experts abroad to manage AWS operations and relieve your in-house team of such technical tasks. By working with an offshore AWS Managed Services company, you can leverage reliable and scalable on-demand cloud computing platforms. This helps your business benefit from better cost savings, more time to focus on core business functions, and access to certified AWS experts.An offshore AWS Managed Services company can help get the most out of your AWS investment by supporting your new and existing AWS environment. If you’re looking to hire offshore AWS Managed Services, here are the factors worth looking into. Read on!

Available AWS Services Certifications

More than 200 fully-featured services comprise the Amazon Web Services (AWS) portfolio, from cloud computing infrastructure to machine learning. Some examples of AWS Managed Services include the Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), which allows clients on-demand access to a virtual cluster of computers to run their own computer applications and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), which provides reliable data backup over the cloud.All AWS Services require extensive education and training to manage. The good news is, offshoring AWS Managed Services gives you access to a team of experts abroad with AWS Certifications. When an offshoring company has an AWS Certification, this validates their technical skills and cloud expertise.There are a variety of Available AWS Certifications such as Developer, Machine Learning, and Solutions Architect. All these have further sub-classifications: Professional (2 years of comprehensive AWS cloud experience), Associate (1 year of comprehensive AWS cloud experience), and Speciality (​​technical AWS Cloud experience as specified in the exam guide). Make sure to choose an offshoring AWS Managed Services company certified in multiple AWS disciplines to maximize your investment.As a company providing offshore IT staffing in the Philippines, Atticus has partnered with Apper.ph which carries a wide range of AWS certifications to help clients build, operate, and optimize their AWS environment better.Some of our certifications include:

  • Solutions Architect - Associate
  • Developer - Associate
  • SysOps Administrator - Associate
  • DevOps Engineer - Professional
  • Machine Learning - Specialty
  • Security - Specialty.

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Offshoring tasks to other countries is a cost-effective move, and this is no less true with AWS Services. With offshoring, you don’t have to hire, train, and provide benefits for an entire IT department with full-time employees, allowing you to save on labor costs.Keep in mind that different offshoring companies will have different price points. Compare them. Choose an AWS Managed Service offshore provider that will provide you with quality services at a reasonable price range.

Offshoring Location

Offshoring AWS Managed Services refers to delegating AWS tasks abroad. This is why it’s crucial to consider the location of the offshoring company. This will offer distinct advantages such as increased latency, collaboration, productivity, and therefore increased investment value.Today, countries like the Philippines, Russia, Brazil, and India are the top locations for offshoring. Each location will offer distinct benefits for offshoring AWS Managed Services.The Philippines, for example, is known for its state-of-the-art tech hubs, English-proficient and competitive employees, and lower wage rates. The time-zone differential in the Philippines also boosts offshoring productivity with round-the-clock operations. Therefore, offshoring AWS Managed Services in the Philippines can garner more investment value for your company.

Transparency and Collaboration

Transparency and Collaboration

The offshore AWS Managed Services provider you choose should practice transparency to ensure smooth work transition and effective collaboration. The vendor should provide an overview of how their staffing solution works, as well as, communicate with your team effectively to avoid delays.At Atticus, our offshore AWS Managed Services focuses on transparent client collaboration to ensure a healthy working environment and boost productivity results. First, we ask what type of talent you are looking for. The recruitment process ends with your approval of handpicked candidates. Then, we onboard you and your AWS team. Your AWS team in the Philippines will directly report in your timezone, while Atticus will ensure that employee management systems work.

Key Takeaway

In this article are just some of the factors to consider when offshoring AWS Managed Services, giving you access to AWS experts and ensuring the best investment value.Looking for an offshore AWS Managed Services company in the Philippines? Since 2016, Atticus has been providing clients with reliable AWS Managed Services. Let us build and migrate your apps, manage your existing products and services on the cloud, and optimize your cloud platforms for you. Contact Atticus for more inquiries by clicking here.

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

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